Locus Technology Certified To Reduce Carbon Intensity Of Oil & Gas Production Skip to main content
Lower Carbon Intensity of Oil & Gas Production
  • SGS certifies Locus Bio-Energy’s AssurEOR STIM® biosurfactant technology to lower carbon intensity and improve oil and gas producers’ top line by boosting production  
  • It is the first Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) technology certified to multiple standards that reduces the negative environmental impact of oil and gas production, with significant reductions in costs, water, diesel, energy and toxic chemical use 

HOUSTON (November 8, 2023) – Locus Bio-Energy’s AssurEOR STIM® biosurfactant technology has been certified to reduce the carbon intensity and boost production of crude oil and natural gas operations. The EOR technology will allow oil and gas companies, as well as their clients—such as airlines, cruise lines, utilities, companies that produce or use plastic, and any entity relying on trucking and shipping to get products to market—to accelerate the achievement of their decarbonization goals and produce more with less resources. 

Production is the largest contributor to the carbon footprint of the oil and gas industry 

Carbon Intensity of Oil & Gas Production pie chartOil and gas production contributes 63% of the industry’s carbon footprint. According to the International Energy Agency, production accounts for 10%-15% of the overall footprint of a barrel of oil or gas. Swift, cost-effective solutions are needed to meet reduction goals, as many decarbonization strategies will take time to scale.

“Companies around the world that rely on oil and gas and its by-products are under tremendous pressure to meet their decarbonization goals; often with no clear path to do so in a meaningful manner,” said Andrew (Andy) Lefkowitz, CEO of Locus. “There isn’t another technology that can immediately enhance extraction without additional CAPEX, while also accelerating decarbonization progress.” 

SGS certification of Locus Bio-Energy’s enhanced oil recovery technology  

AssurEOR STIM’s certification has been issued by SGS, which provides inspection, verification and testing certification services to thought leaders in over a dozen global industries. The ISO-14064 certification was developed to comply with both ISO 14064:2-2019 (greenhouse gas reporting) and the EU Commission’s Innovation Fund Methodology for GHG Emission Avoidance. It allows for easy incorporation into scope and carbon intensity accounting.  

Locus Bio-Energy’s AssurEOR STIM enhanced oil recovery (EOR) technology has already been deployed successfully on hundreds of wells across key basins to address declining oil and gas extraction. The crux of the novel well stimulation treatments is that they can be easily deployed around the world to reduce the negative environmental impact of oil and gas production, while cutting costs and increasing revenue. 

Locus’ biosurfactant technology cuts cost, carbon and resources needed per barrel of oil and gas

According to the certification, oil and gas production companies utilizing just a single application of Locus’ AssurEOR STIM technology reap multiple benefits, including: 

  • Carbon intensity reduction: At least a 7% reduction in carbon intensity of oil and gas production based on the most conservative historical performance readings, going up to 20%+ at scale 
  • Cost: In Texas, an opportunity for a 50% reduction in the 4.6% excise taxes on all, not just incremental, oil produced with Locus’ EOR technology for 10 years  
  • Revenue: A minimum 10% production increase, which can result in $300K+ in additional annual revenue from an average 100-bpd well, excluding tax credits

Each oil and gas well that does not need to be fracked or drilled saves:  

  • Water: Reduction of 25 Olympic-sized swimming pools worth of water 
  • Diesel: Conserves enough diesel fuel to drive around the Earth’s equator more than 450 times 
  • Sand: Elimination of the mining and transportation of 8,500 tons of sand (the second most used resource on the planet)—the volume needed to build a half mile of freeway 
  • Chemicals: Exclusion of 50,000 gallons or more of chemicals, such as hydrochloric acid, NP9, BTEX, secondary 1,4-dioxane, scale inhibitors, biocides and others 

 “AssurEOR STIM is the first ISO-14064 certified EOR technology that can make an immediate impact on carbon intensity at the start of the oil and gas supply chain,” said Lefkowitz. “Our data indicates that treatments could boost crude oil production by 10-45%+, while lowering the carbon intensity by 7-20%+.”  

Oil and gas carbon intensity certification provides full asset value chain benefits 

As entire fields adopt the treatments, further reductions can be realized throughout the asset value chain. Although Locus’ EOR technology was first to be certified, its entire range of oilfield technologies—from completion fluid additives to flow assurance and cleaning solutions—all have the potential to significantly reduce the carbon intensity of their respective operations. They have also been proven to outperform more intense chemical or thermal counterparts.  

Locus Bio-Energy’s biosurfactant technologies are an attractive solution for oil and gas companies navigating the evolving regulatory landscape. They also give end-users access to oil produced with a lower carbon intensity. Learn more about how biosurfactant technology can revive production and propel the oil and gas industry toward a decarbonized future at LocusBioEnergy.com 


About Locus Bio-Energy  

Locus Bio-Energy is an innovation leader committed to offering best in class science-driven and sustainable oilfield chemistries to the oil and gas industry. Utilizing the scientific capabilities of our accelerator company, Locus Fermentation Solutions, Locus Bio-Energy turns novel biosurfactants with a low carbon footprint into green treatments tailored for upstream and midstream applications. Our environmentally friendly biosurfactants address a wide variety of the industry’s most pressing challenges, including improving well reliability and long-term production while decreasing risk, environmental impact and costs. The biosurfactant treatments are made from 100% renewable resources and have been proven to replace or boost synthetic chemicals at a fraction of the dosage rates and cost, with a 2-3x ROI. For further information, visit LocusBioEnergy.com. 

About SGS 

We are SGS – the world’s leading testing, inspection and certification company. We are recognized as the global benchmark for sustainability, quality and integrity. Our 98,000 employees operate a network of 2,650 offices and laboratories, working together to enable a better, safer and more interconnected world.